microfine cement suspension for filling voids and force-fit closing of cracks, 5 kg (in 15-kg bucket), incl. technical data sheet, safety data sheet INFORMATION: Chemical products are subject to certain transport and stock conditions to guarantee the quality and functionality. For this reason a return of these products is excluded.
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1 container
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The data given are laboratory values and mayvary depending on construction site conditions.
Product description
DESOI microfine cement VP1 is a mineral, 1-component microfine cement suspension with a maximum grain size of < 0.1 mm. DESOI microfine cement VP1 can be used to fill cavities and defects in concrete and masonry, as well as to grout dry and moist cracks in a force-fit manner.
Application Area
Reinforced concrete
Structural elements with dense reinforcement
Injection hose systems against soil moisture and non-pressing water
Use in e. g. hydraulic structures, sewage treatment plants, underground garages, tunnels
In loose, sandy soil
For slight moist crack flanks
Cracks in facades and in the area of openings
Cracks in the area of lintels and arched lintels
Connection/anchoring of wall shells/cavity walls
For inside and outside use
under base plates
crack injection
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